
Showing posts from July, 2020

SELLER SERIES: Make Your House Go From HOW? To WOW!

Today I have a Home Staging Checklist to share with you, discussing ways to prepare your home and make potential buyers turn their “Hows?” into “Wows!” Follow this link to download:  Home Staging Checklist

SELLER SERIES: How to Make That NEXT Big Decision

In this video, I am going to show you some resources and ways to help make that second big decision you have to make after the first big decision, which was selling your house. My name is Jenn Baer, I'm a real estate agent in New Hampshire. And that second big decision is, "Are you going to use a real estate agent or go for sale by owner or FSBO?" 🏠 BUT WAIT! This is not a video where I'm going to go over the pros and cons and why you should use a REALTOR® or why you shouldn't go for sale by owner. There are already those videos out there. There's already those articles. And that's the first thing you should do. Go do your research. Go through those, definitely pay attention to statistics of who starts and who finishes, for sale by owner, and why they might not have completed. So you can make sure you avoid some of the mistakes that they make. 📲 The second thing, which I don't know many people do, because it does take time. It doesn't cos

July 2020 - Newsletter

Do you know which two towns in Rockingham County have these trains on display?   The median sales price is the point at which half of the sales sold for more and half sold for less, not accounting for seller concessions, in a given month. These are all up from the previous year!  Source: When you put your home up for sale, one of the best ways to determine the asking price is to look at comparable sales. There’s rarely a perfect apples-to-apples comparison, so a pricing decision often relies on comparisons to several recent sales in the area. Here are five criteria to look for in a sales comparison.   1. Location:  Homes in the same neighborhood typically follow the same market trends. Comparing your home to another in the same neighborhood is a good start, but comparing it to homes on the same street or block is even better.   2. Date of sale:  It varies by location, but housing markets can see a ton of fluctuation in a short time period. It‘s best to use the most recent