VIDEO: Make History Your Home!

Today I will share with you 3 reasons why I love historic homes and helping people buy and sell them! 

I currently live in an historic home. If you look behind me you can probably see the beautiful brick. It was built in 1805 and it actually has an historic plaque on the front door. So that leads me into my first reason why you should buy a historic home.
One: they're unique. You're not going to find another home like this. They're absolutely the opposite of cookie cutter. Not only were they built hundreds of years ago, they've also had many people own them, and have their own ideas for additions and upgrades.
Two: they have stood the test of time. The quality in these homes is without compare. And I just love the craftsmanship and the artistry that is in just the finest of details you'll find here and there.
And third: if you want to be green, new is not always better. If you go ahead and buy, or go ahead and build an eco-friendly, green home, it's going to take decades for that house to make up for the energy and materials that went into building it. Whereas, if you go ahead and buy an historic home and retro-fit it with green technology you're going to reap those benefits immediately. So it's actually the greener choice.
So don't dismiss them. I was once where you were. I didn't know if I wanted to buy an historic home because they can have a lot of headaches. It does depend on who's owned them before you.
Next time, I'll go into things you should do if you're considering an antique home. For now though, if you would like a list of antique and historic homes that are for sale in your area, just send me a direct message or leave a comment below and I will definitely get that to you.
If you already live in a historic antique home, I would love to see a picture, and have a little story, or history on your home. Until next time. I hope you have an historic day. Thank you!


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